"Burma Bridge Busters" is a documentary that takes an in-depth look at the 490th US Army Air Corps Bomb Squadron, who flew numerous bombing missions in China-Burma-India -- the so-called "forgotten theater" of WWII. The 60-minute documentary was filmed at an annual reunion for the 490th veterans in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Between February 1943 and August 1945, the squadron flew 615 missions, dropped 8,257,000 pounds of bombs and destroyed 192 bridges, earning them the nickname "Burma Bridge Busters.""Burma Bridge Busters" is hosted by President George Herbert Walker Bush, himself a former WWII flyer.

The film is a presentation of the National D-Day Museum and The History Channel with an original score by Emmy nominated composer Nathan Wang, and vintage recordings of performances by Glenn Miller and His Army Air Force Band, "Burma Bridge Busters" is a heartfelt tribute to the brave men of the 490th Squadron, and all who served in the China-Burma-India theater of WWII.

Note: Allentown Productions and James Moll do not profit from the sale of "Burma Bridge Busters." Those proceeds and other profits from the sale of the film will benefit the National D-Day Museum, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
